Celebration of Cookbooks & Southern Food Culture at Southern Food & Beverage Museum

I hope you’ll join us at the Southern Food & Beverage Museum in New Orleans for a special lecture with Sara Franklin & Liz Williams as they explain the role of Edna Lewis in shaping and introducing America to Southern food. Lewis’ journey via Virginia, Washington DC and New York City includes writing several cookbooks, being known as the leader in the farm-to-table movement and being instrumental in defining Southern cuisine as we know it today.

There will be a brief reception following the lecture with both Sara Franklin and Liz Williams signing copies of their books, which will be available for purchase in the SoFAB Pantry.

I’m excited to join the following authors on this evening in the museum to sign and sell copies of our books for a celebration of cookbooks and Southern food culture, in partnership with the John & Bonnie Boyd Hospitality & Culinary Library. Vintage books will also be on sale to support the library, so use this as a pre-holiday shopping excursion for your favorite foodie or yourself!

  • Jyl Benson

  • Beth D'Addono

  • Yvette Jemison

  • Cindy Nobles

  • Justin Nystrom

  • Chef Diana Riley

  • Poppy Tooker

  • Kit Wohl

Admission to the lecture is free, but please RSVP to secure your spot. Thursday October 18th, 2018 6-8pm.


Stormin' of the Sazerac Book Signing Friday September 28, 2018


Juan's Favorite Recipes