Yes, this is me right before I went live with the New Orleans Dine, Wine & Spirits Show with Tim McNally. This was so much fun chatting about the holidays, entertaining and my cookbook. Not only did I bring my Mookie Cookies I actually had Mookie join me in the studio. Christine gathered with her friends to listen in and my sweet husband sat in the car at home to to tune in. Mookie thanks for being a great stage mom and reminding me to sit up straight and stop swiveling so much. Thanks so much to everyone that tuned in and for Tim to Tim McNally at WGSO for having me on. Scroll down for the link to hear the podcast.

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Click here to head over to the podcast with Yvette as she Visits The New Orleans Dine, Wine and Spirits Show with Tim McNally.


Andouille & Egg Bake


This Warm and Cozy Soup Because It's Finally Cold Outside!