My Fave Pecan Recipes!

I grew up in San Antonio under the most magnificent pecan trees. Each fall, we would collect pecans and snack on them while we played outside. A few years ago I planted pecan trees in our yard in Louisiana . This is the first year that pecans are actually growing on the trees. In anticipation of my pecan crop (although it will be small) I thought I’d share some of my favorite pecan recipes. Do you have a favorite pecan recipe?

My candied thyme pecan recipe is from my first cookbook, Entertain Effortlessly Gift Deliciously. I’ve had so many people share how much they enjoy gifting these pecans. Click here for the recipe.

I’ve been enjoying almond pecan sandies ever since I was a young child. It’s a popular recipe in my cookbook, My South Texas Kitchen and I’ve also shared the recipe here in an article feature in Inside New Orleans Magazine.

I enjoy these pecan pie bars year round. They are easy to store and transport and I hope you give my recipe at try.


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